

dickcherry said…
hiya Kolk. Comin' at ya from Hanoi. i haven't visited your blog for ages. glad to see ur still pumping out the good stuff. Specially ince VN is a musically pretty impoverished place :)

i decided to collect all of your mixes that i'd missed. so i started backtracking thru your blog. Got as far back as July 20, then found rapidshare had ditched the files that old :(

so i missed your mixes between no.16 and 'Andromedamix'. Oh well, you snooze, you lose, i guess :)
dickcherry said…
great to hear from you, Kolkful One!

but don't go to the trouble of re-uploading anything...

it's my fault for going to sleep; some things are destined to be lost in time :)

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