
Fleury-Joseph Crépin - Peinture sans titre

tasos stamou - toy rock
animal collective - peacebone
dan deacon - the crystal cat
the liars - houseclouds
trans am - 4,738 regrets
beck - dark star
battles - ddiamondd
devendra banhart - samba vexillographica
gandalf - ladyfingers
d.r. hooker - forge your own chains
the dragons - food for thought
april march - chick habbit
king khan & the shrines - land of the freak
welcome - with you with me
caribou - desiree
clinic - for the wars
art fleury - defective heaven
when in rome - the promise



b-dot said…
this is your best mix yet! i am currently on my second time through listening to it, and i really like it!!!!

you have such a great diverse taste in music - 70% of those tracks are new to me.

looking forward to more!
kolk said…
I think it turned out good too
I'll have something ready for next week or not, in two weeks time!

thnx again for listening! it means a lot to me :)
NiO said…
πως σου ερχοντε αυτες οι ατιμες ιδεες για mixακια και μενα τιποτα... βοηθα λιγο...\'΄[][
kolk said…
vasika ama akousw ena kommati k mou aresei thelw na to paixw opwsdipote meta omws kollaw sto psaximo gia na vrw kati pou na tairiazei amesws meta.
den petuxainei pada giati exw mnimi karfitsas alla prospathw... :)

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