
Showing posts from December, 2007

happy new year


plasticland - octopus shocking pinks -how am I not myself? black dice - kokomo ariel pink - witchhunt for world war III klaus doldinger, giorgio moroder - fantasia richard pinhas - xxxx "la vie san nom" john maus - pure rockets pram - the silk road sir richard bishop - canned goods and firearms earzumba - mentalidad de enemistad os brazas - pancho lopez os mutantes - o relogio the valerie project - the crypt stars of the lid - don't bother they're here mix


the caravelles - don't blow your cool moolah - crystal waters gary lucas and josef van wissem - if it doesn't fit thou must acquit anna karina - roller girl the dead c - the amm of punk rock the octopus project - bees bein' strugglin jeremy jay - airwalker the klf - elvis on the radio, steel guit m.i.a - paper planes magik markers - axis mundi oren ambarchi - trailing moss in mystic glow mix